EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: Policy area "Bioeconomy"

Title of the document: EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

Funding source: Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Country: Lithuania, Sweden, Finland 

Involved actors: Nordic Council of Ministers; Finland (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry); Sweden (Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Swedish Board of Agriculture), Lithuania (Ministry of Agriculture)


The Baltic Sea Region has the potential to become one of the world's leading regions in green growth and sustainable development. Bioeconomy offers many new businesses and job opportunities. The Policy Area (PA) on Bioeconomy delivers primarily on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region objective “Save the Sea” and the sub-objectives of “Clear Water” and “Rich and healthy wildlife”, which include promoting a sustainable use of marine, agricultural and forest resources as well as development of rural areas.

Policy Area ¨Bioeconomy“ has defined the following three actions:

Action 1: Strengthen the role and importance of bioeconomy for achieving increased sustainability, productivity and adaption to climate change as well as resilience, including climate resilience in ecosystems.

Action 2: Improving agricultural practices for sustainability and adaptation (e.g. to climate change) in a sustainable and resilient growing bio-economy.

Action 3: Strengthen multiple use of resources through cross-cutting and cross-sectoral approaches to release potential and accelerate the development of a sustainable circular bio-economy

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