Title of the tool: Platform to map the approaches and achievements of communities in the transition to sustainable energy: BioVillMAP
Which project/institution developed it: Green Energy Biomass Cluster
- Title: Platform that maps the approaches and achievements of communities in the transition to sustainable energy:
- Acronym: BioVillMAP
- Funding source: Support from the Sustainable Development Department, Romanian Government
- Implementation period: 2022
Bio-based sector: Bioenergy
Description of the tool:
BioVillMAP is a tool that maps communities' approaches and achievements in the transition to sustainable energy. The platform aims to inspire communities in the transition to clean energy based on local sources. The BioVillMap platform shows, which sustainable communities are securing energy from local biomass sources.
BioVillMAP is unique as it is a platform that gathers in one place biomass-to-energy solutions for sustainable communities.
Target groups: Local public authorities, citizens, industry players, policy makers, NGOs, Local action groups
Accessibility: Tool/tool kit is open (no fee) OPEN, no fee
Link to the tool: https://www.biovillmap.ro/en/
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