Title of the project: Extensive valorization of lignin and salicylic acid to bulk and fine chemicals
Funding source: Financing Agency for High Education, Research, Development and Innovation, Romania
Implementation period: 2012 - 2016
Country: Romania
Bio-based sector: Forestry and Agriculture
Stakeholders involved: Research and academia, farmers cultivating energy crops
The project aimed to extract lignin from salix viminalis (energetic willow). This kind of willow is well spread in the region CENTRU of Romania and it has several purposes, mainly as an alternative source of renewable energy. It is mainly used as a supply raw material for heating burners (as wood chips or as pellets). At the same time, the LIGSALCHEM project showed that it can be used for the extraction of lignin and salicylic acid to produce bulk and fine chemicals (polymers or initial compound for medicine purposes), using organic synthesis, catalysts design and preparation, process development and bio-engineering.
Link to the website: www.greencluster.ro
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