Development of the bioeconomy in Bulgaria - opportunities and regional specifics

Title: Development of the bioeconomy in Bulgaria - opportunities and regional specifics

Implementation period: 04/2020 - 03/2022

Country: Bulgaria


The objectives of the project are to evaluate the development of the bioeconomy in Bulgaria on the basis of analytical indicators (GDP, BSS, employment) in order to highlight the trends, potential and opportunities of individual sectors at the national level and by region.

The tasks include:

  • Refinement of the concept of bioeconomy in principle and in the context of Bulgaria, as well as in the context of the concept of sustainable development and its rationalizing concepts (green economy/growth, circular economy).
  • Summarizing the understanding and approaches to the bioeconomy that have been adopted and implemented by EU countries where bioeconomy strategies have been developed - what tools they use to promote it, what results they have achieved.
  • Analysis of the bio-economic development in Bulgaria at the national level with an emphasis on the dynamics and structure of the bio-economic sectors and highlighting the differences.
  • Highlighting trends, potential and opportunities. Analysis of regional development at the level of statistical regions and districts (NUTS 2 and 3), comparative analysis with other EU countries.

Link: (in Bulgarian language)