RIBES: Regional Inclusive Biobased Entrepreneurship Solutions

Title of the project: Regional Inclusive Biobased Entrepreneurship Solutions

Acronym: RIBES

Funding source: Horizon Europe

Implementation period: 03/2024 - 02/2027


RIBES addresses the need to enhance the uptake of biobased innovations through pioneering governance and business models developed on the convergence of the circular bioeconomy, social innovation and rural development, thus contributing to the shift from a linear to a circular economy in 9 European regions lagging in innovation. Project activities focus on specific sub-national levels but encompass also proactive dissemination and replication at the country level.

RIBES performs an in-depth multidisciplinary assessment of regional bioeconomy ecosystems and research possible correlations between the socio-economic trends, innovation bottlenecks and the role of the primary sector. RIBES creates a significant impact by delivering innovative and tailored governance solutions and business models capable of fostering grass-rooted circular bioeconomy value chains, with particular attention devoted to the advanced sustainability of regional inclusive biobased entrepreneurship solutions, thus contributing to strengthening rural development and innovation in participating regions.

RIBES implements 9 local Multi-actor Transformative Forums (MTFs) based on the Living Lab and Open Innovation concepts to address complex societal challenges and problems by putting stakeholder participation and deliberation processes at the centre, aiming at systemic transformative change in the three pillars of technological, social and economic innovation to co-create tailored business and governance models.

Link to the website: www.ribesproject.eu