Title: The European Bioeconomy University (EBU) - driven by demand, accomplished by intellectual leadership
Implementation period: Founded in 2019
Involved actors: 8 European universities: AgroParisTech; University of Bologna; University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU); University of Hohenheim; Wageningen University and Research, University of Eastern Finland; Warsaw University of Life sciences (SGGW); Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
EBU Network: BIOEAST, European Bioplatics, European Forest Institute (EFI)
The European Bioeconomy University is an alliance of the eight leading European universities in this field. It will act not only as a think tank for knowledge generation, but also as a creative hub for knowledge transfer to transform diversity into creativity, support the European approach of democratic, transparent and participative processes and foster actual change in an innovative and sustainable way.
Creating Europe’s leading intellectual institution for tackling the enormous environmental, economic and societal challenges of the 21st century, by:
- Covering the entire spectrum of bioeconomy dimension,
- Providing an internationally unique and competitive model for a theme-based, system- and future-oriented university that focuses on inter- and transdisciplinary as well as sectoral and European collaboration,
- Taking university collaboration to a higher level of joint strategy development and to a new governance model, based on shared beliefs and longstanding cooperation.
Link to the website: https://european-bioeconomy-university.eu/
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