Title: EBU Label - Bioeconomy qualification supplement
Funding source: EBU Alliance
Implementation period: 03/2022 - 06/2022
Target groups: Master students
The EBU Label is a qualification supplement, which proves that the student who is holding the Label has expert knowledge in their specific field of study and is able to contextualize this expertise within the bioeconomy. It certifies the holder to possess additional skills that have been identified as crucial in the transformation of society and economy into a sustainable way of living. The certificate will be issued to the student by the study services of BOKU at the end of their studies along with the final papers.
The EBU qualification supplement is granted to students who fulfil the following criteria:
- Enrolment in a bioeconomy-relevant master-program (at BOKU, all master programs are bioeconomy-relevant),
- Willingness to obtain a T-shaped profile,
- Master thesis with an explicit link to bioeconomy,
- Activ participation in two of the following optional activities:
- Complete bioeconomy related MOOCs of the ABBEE-project,
- Participation in soft-skill trainings,
- Active participation in events, competitions or workshops regarding the bioeconomy,
- Being proactive in the bioeconomy,
- An exchange semester at one of the partner universities.
Link to the website: https://boku.ac.at/zentrum-fuer-biooekonomie/ueber-unsere-arbeit/ebu/label
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