
Title of the project that developed it: Academic Synergies for Innovative Curricula

Acronym: BioEcoN

Funding source: Erasmus+

Implementation period: 2019 – 2021

Description of the tool:

The tool provides insights into silviculture for those not directly involved in stand manipulation, it also allows demonstration of practical use of mensuration data within marking process and, it can be used for the assessment of the trainees skills as well. A Marteloscope is a permanent, 1-hectare rectangular plot within the forest in which tree measurements and associated software for hand held devices are linked to provide a framework for in-forest training in marking, tree selection and identification of habitat structures. Results of the exercise can be visualised on a tablet/laptop in the stand and thus serve as input for stimulating discussion in the field. The identification of key habitat elements and structures is a crucial pre-requisite for intergration of biodiversity conservation aspects into commercial forest management.

Target groups: Actors involved in forest management, policy makers, students, scientists 

Accessibility: Tool is open

Link to the documents: