The BioMonitor model toolbox for addressing critical knowledge gaps in support of the implementation of European Bioeconomy Strategy

Title of the project: Monitoring the Bioeconomy

Acronym: BioMonitor 

Funding source: Horizon 2020

Implementation period: 2018 - 2022

Bio-based sector: Bio-based industries


The implementation of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy is “on track” to achieve most of its objectives and to advance a circular and sustainable economy in the EU. However, the European Commission and bioeconomy stakeholders have highlighted critical knowledge gaps that will hinder further progress. These include sustainability impacts, especially regarding effects on natural resources, but also tensions between demand and supply of land and biomass, and the more systemic effects as negative trade-offs. BioMonitor toolbox addresses such gaps in an integrated way, providing quantitative and qualitative insights into the future of the EU bioeconomy under alternative scenarios.

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