VCG – Value Chain Generator

Which project / institution developed it: Anteja ECG (Slovenia)

Title of the project: Linking bio-based industry value chains across the Alpine Region

Acronym: AlpLinkBioEco

Funding source: Interreg Alpine Space Programme

Implementation period: 2018 – 2021

Biobased sector: All bio-based sectors


AlpLinkBioEco created a cross Alpine Space circular bio-based strategy, establishing awareness, assessing, selecting and creating transnational/regional new value chains connecting all relevant actors, and demonstrating the implementation of successful business opportunities. Main result of the AlpLinkBioEco project is a so called Value Chain Generator Tool (VCG) and it has been developed by the Institute of Complex Systems, School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg (HES-SO//FR HEIA-FR). It is a software that allows to match actors from different sectors and countries to create novel bio-based value chains and it has been tested and successfully exploited by the project partners for this purpose during the project. Both intra-regional as well as cross-regional new business opportunities can be envisaged if data is shared, as it was the case during the project. The primary users of the VCG are the stakeholders of innovation ecosystems, companies, researchers, policymakers, but also cluster managers. New users are invited to join, since the source code of the VCG software is available under a permissive software license.

Target groups: Industry, NGOs, BSOs, policy makers

Accessibility: Registration needed / Fee to be paid

Link to the website: