Title: WoodChainManager
Which project /institution developed it: Slovenian Forestry Institute
Implementation period: 2018 – 2021
Biobased sector: Forestry
The application enables a simple selection of a technological model for the production of roundwood as well as green chips. With the selection of machines and their mandatory or optional accessories or attachments along the entire chain from the felling area to the final user, the costs are stipulated as well. Visualization of technological components along the forestry wood chains and presentation of costs enable optimization and easier understanding of otherwise very complex chains.
WoodChainManager data portal provides:
- prices of wood materials and forestry services,
- indicators of forest management,
- spatial data.
Target groups: Forestry value chain stakeholders
Accessibility: Toolkit is open
Link to the website: https://wcm.gozdis.si/en/about-us/
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