Innovation made easy - Ideas contest: “New products for the bioeconomy”

Title: Innovation made easy - Ideas contest: "New products for the bioeconomy"

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Country: Germany

Stakeholders involved: Project Management Jülich (PtJ), BMBF, Researchers, Industry, Citiziens


New ideas for bio-based products or processes are developed within this project. The ideas contest held by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) offers researchers with original business ideas for the bioeconomy enticing funding to help out during the early stages of development.


“The four rounds of the “New products for the bioeconomy” ideas contest have seen almost 6 million euros in funding provided for 108 new ideas as part of the test phase, of which 51 collaborative projects have been selected from those for the feasibility phase. The product ideas originate from sectors such as agriculture, food and health. Many projects are concerned with the bio-based manufacture of materials which are important for industrial production. Materials research also plays a key role in that regard, in addition to device and IT-specific developments. Other funded projects include bioenergy or the development of new kinds of packaging.”

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