Researches regarding the identification of the potential of establishing regional clusters of circular economy - case studies

Title of the project: Researches regarding the identification of the potential of establishing regional clusters of circular economy - case studies

Country/Region: Romania (Sectorial plan of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development ADER 2019-2022)

Stakeholders involved: Research institutes, clusters (cluster members)

Bio-based sector: Agriculture, food and beverage 


The project proposes a multidisciplinary and multifactorial approach to the problem of the circular economy as a responsibility towards the agri-food resources, which will contribute to the formation of correlations between the stages of the integrated agri-food chain, the quality of the processed foods and the consumption habits of the population. The project aims to work on simple models that can be easily understood and transposed geographically and technologically, sectorally or as a whole. These (pilot) working models will be methodologically conceptualized and presented to the economic environment and not only, through successive campaigns, in which the project experts will also share subjective aspects that may appear in the process of developing some principles of the circular economy. The agri-food chain must be transformed into a system with minimal losses. For example, the project proposal can make agriculture, horticulture and vegetable/fruit consumption a circular food and agriculture system, or the residues in the agricultural sector and the food/branch supply chain (vegetable residues, food waste, processing, waste, garbage manure, compost can be reused or reprocessed into new (auxiliary) products.

Results/lessons learnt:           

Demonstration model of good practice for regional circular economy clusters in the agri-food field, including the overall impact, including economic, of the implementation of the proposed practices; Knowing the potential of circular economy in the agri-food field at the level of some regions in Romania; Supporting the economic entities interested in taking on innovative technologies, with the implementation of a responsible attitude towards the environment and the resources used; upgrading a regional agrifood cluster into a circular economy cluster.
