Interregional cooperation for competitive and sustainable regional food industries

Title of the project: Interregional cooperation for competitive and sustainable regional food industries

Acronym: I4Food

Funding source: INTERREG IVC community program - priority innovation and knowledge economy

Implementation period: 01/2012 - 12/2014     


The general objective of the project is to contribute through the actions and results of the project to making regional development policies more focused on increasing the competitiveness and environmental sustainability of companies in the food industry sector. The actions of the project aimed at: identifying good practices to unlock the potential of enterprises, based on the analysis of the situation of the food industries of the partner regions; carry out an exchange of experiences and enhance the innovation absorption capacity of SMEs in the sector; develop regional implementation plans and recommendations at European level of policies aimed at promoting the competitiveness and sustainability of regional SMEs; deepen the relationships between partner regions, to enhance their horizontal and vertical networking capabilities; disseminate the results obtained to the regional, interregional and European public.


Contribute through the preparation of various tools for the study, analysis and comparison of good practices between the different partner regions of the project to make regional development policies more focused on increasing competitiveness and corporate sustainability at regional and EU level.
