Title of the project: Novel organic recovery using mobile advanced technology
Acronym: NOMAD
Funding source: Horizon Europe
Implementation period: 10/2019 – 09/2022
NOMAD aims to replace non-renewable mineral fertilizers with low-carbon, organic equivalents, creating new, disruptive business models for rural decentralized AD to support the circular bioeconomy. The project includes partners from China, Greece, the UK, Italy, Romania, Malta and the Netherlands to develop an innovative, mobile, small-scale technology solution designed to recover fibre and specific nutrients from digestate to produce high performance bio-fertilizer products. This is an innovative approach and may create new economic growth where nowadays turning digestate into bio-fertilizer products is not feasible for most small plants due to lack of available, cost-effective equipment.
Link to the project: https://www.projectnomad.eu/
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