Replicable business models for modern rural economies - business tools

Title of the project that developed it: Replicable business models for modern rural economies

Acronym: RUBIZMO

Funding source: Horizon 2020

Implementation period: 05/2018 – 10/2021

Description of the tool:                     

RUBIZMO aimed to generate jobs and growth in highly diverse rural areas in the food sector, bio-based value chains and eco-system services. RUBIZMO prepared Europe-wide upscaling and replication of models in rural areas using 50 successful business cases and 20 new business models. It explored conditions for replication to develop four practical, user-oriented tools:

  • A virtual library of business cases;
  • Guidelines on creating favourable conditions for the deployment of innovative business models;
  • A toolkit for clustering and network development in rural areas, and
  • A transformation support tool.

These tools are promoted across Europe through capacity building and entrepreneurial support activities.

Target groups: SME, industry, public authority, network cooperative

Accessibility: freely accessible to the public via online learning management system

Link to the documents: