Title of the project that developed it: Empowering regional stakeholders for realising the full potential of European bioeconomy
Acronym: POWER4BIO
Funding source: Horizon 2020
Implementation period: 2018 - 2021
In the context of the POWER4BIO project, best practices are industrial production sites, which use specific biomass sources to produce biobased products. The deliverable produced within this project pays special attention to two elements: rural application of the selected biorefineries and their competitivity. The information per best practices include the minimum information to illustrate the cases. They provide the reader with information to consider its potential for replicability. Lastly, all the cases have been harmonised content-wise so as to facilitate the understanding and comparison of examples.
Link to the document: https://power4bio.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/POWER4BIO_D3.4_Best_practices_of_bio-based_solutions.pdf
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